Stop by the Reference Desk to pick up the November-December newsletter. I am in the process of planning our activities for 2010 and would love to hear your opinions. Let me know what you would like to do next year!
We're THE library on John's Island!
Teen Read Week is October 18-24! Need some suggestions for good reads? Come to the library and let us help you find a favorite new book, new author, or new series! Look for trivia questions and other fun contests during the week. Read Beyond Reality!
To help celebrate Teen Read Week, we'll be showing Fast and Furious on Wednesday, October 21, from 4-6 p.m. in our auditorium. Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, and Michelle Rodriguez return for the fourth movie in The Fast and The Furious series. The movie is rated PG-13, 99 minutes.Join your friends at the library for this thrilling joyride!