From June 1st through July 31 at the John's Island Regional Library, all teens who complete an iReview of something they have read will be entered into a special branch drawing for an iPod Shuffle! And your iReview will be placed in a binder at the library for other teens to use to help select good books (or stay away from bad ones!). Some iReviews will appear on this blog--how great is that?!? Come by the Reference Desk or check in the Young Adult area for iReview forms.
Become a member of Club 1250! This exclusive club is for teens who enter the summer reading program at the John's Island branch. Read 1250 pages from June 1st through July 31, and you'll become a member of this teen reading club. Being a member has one big advantage--you'll automatically be entered into a special drawing for an iPod Shuffle! So be sure to read at least 1250 pages!
We will be giving away an orange and a green iPod Shuffle like the one in the photo above. An iPod Shuffle will hold up to 240 songs! Just clip on the Shuffle, slip in the ear buds, and rock to your tunes!
This summer you have two opportunities to win an iPod Shuffle here at the John's Island Library!