Anime Weekend Atlanta 2009!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Congratulations to Ms. Donna!

Be sure to stop by the Reference Desk this week to see Ms. Donna's Outstanding Community Involvement Award! The award was presented to Ms. Donna on Friday, April 27, during the library's Staff Day.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Traveling Pants Will Soon Be Here!

From Monday, May 21 to Friday, May 25, the library is expecting a special arrival! A pair of traveling pants has been visiting libraries all over the country from California to SC. We'll be having special events to celebrate the visit all week! During Craft Central on May 17, you can help Ms. Donna decorate her jeans and you can decorate yours, too. At Afternoon Cafe on May 23, we'll be having a special game of Travel Jeopardy! to test your knowledge. As usual, we'll play in teams, so come ready for some fun! The Not YA Mama's Book Club will be presenting the movie, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, on May 23 following our special Travel Afternoon Cafe.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Get Your Movie Tickets Now!

Don't forget that next week is TNT for Teens featuring Pursuit of Happyness on Thursday, April 26, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Stop by the Reference Desk to get a short form to complete to earn a free ticket to this movie starring Will Smith and his son. Be there at 5:00 p.m. to enjoy free pizza and drinks as the movie begins!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Names Will Never Hurt Me by Jaime Adoff

Ryan--All American quarterback; he has it all

Kurt--Always picked on; geek

Tisha--Biracial; trying to fit in

Floater--Principal Roberts' snitch; fat used-to-be-loser

Follow these four students of Rockville High on the one year anniversary of the on campus death of former student, Jake Stiles. Will history be repeated? Will violence erupt again at the school? Things are heating up. This book has been nominated for the South Carolina Young Adult Book Award for 2007-2008. ~~Submitted by Ms. Nancy

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Do You Know Who You Are?

What if you didn't know your real name...where you were from...who was your father? Welcome to Chass's life. I've just finished Fake ID by Walter Sorrells and loved it. Chastity Pureheart knows nothing about herself or her father. In fact, her mother selects their names from random library books when they come to a new town. And every few months, Chass's mother suddenly packs up their few belongings and they move to yet another city. When her mother mysteriously disappears on Chass's sixteenth birthday, she must find her mother in six days or be thrown into foster care. The search for her mother leads her into greater mysteries where she must risk all to discover her past and reclaim her future. This is Book 1 of the Hunted series and I can't wait for more! -----Submitted by Ms. Nancy

Craft Central Celebrates Earth Day!

On Thursday, April 19, from 4:00-5:30 p.m., we'll be celebrating Earth Day by "recycling" some of our most popular past craft projects. Perhaps you would like to make something for Mom for Mother's Day (May 13th)? See you at Craft Central!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Upstream by Melissa Lion

Hey teens! Ms. Nancy here. I've just finished reading Upstream. Expect some twists and turns with this one. Martha's boyfriend, Steven, is dead. Everyone in her small Alaskan hometown looks at her differently now, and Martha struggles to go on. It was an accident, but will the authorities take a closer look at Martha and her version of the fatal day in the wilderness? She must start her senior year without her boyfriend and must now decide what the future holds for her. If you have ever wondered about life in a small Alaskan town where there are only a few hours (or none at all!) of sunlight during the winter, read this book and expect to be fascinated as you learn Martha's fate and what really happened to Steven. If you've read this book, let everyone know what you thought about it by leaving comments here!

Don't Forget the JITA Meeting and AC!

Hello teens!

Don't forget the JITA (John's Island Teen Advisors) meeting on Tuesday, April 10, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the auditorium. All teens interested in the library's collection and programs are encouraged to attend. Let your voice be heard!

After a break for spring break, Afternoon Cafe resumes on Wednesday, April 11, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Each Wednesday for the rest of the month we'll be getting together to listen to music, play games, work on a puzzle, and enjoy snacks (thanks to the Friends of the Library)! Tell your classmates and bring a new friend along for the fun!